We always do what we want.
Im gasping for breath. I cant seem to find it.
Im warm so very warm.
We always do what we want.
Ember values life without me before life with me. Or she wouldnt be ignoring me a thousand miles away.
We always do what we want.
Im gasping for breath. I cant seem to find it.
Im warm so very warm.
We always do what we want.
Ember values life without me before life with me. Or she wouldnt be ignoring me a thousand miles away.
When will happiness exist without a deep breath and a firm grip of a hand?
I made it through work. Me and Ember spoke for 2 hours. Every girl at my job laughed at my jokes. To them im witty and handsome. A girl eyed me down like a diamond ring under glass. And id lie if I said I didnt like it. The power of control. I think now, I wouldnt have this courage without ember. I wouldnt be witty charismatic nor smooth. These girls wouldnt have wanted me for who I was. Not like how Ember did. I was weird, awfully awkward at texting, overly attracted, and her? She was the same.
But I cant say for sure if shes still the same person.
I love you Ember.
I have work in an hour. Im utterly exhausted. Ember hasnt messaged me in days. I feel like its taking a toll on my feelings for her. Shes probably going through bouts of depression hoping I get sick of her and leave her because she believes I deserve someone better.
You deserve someone better :"( shed say.
Makes me think shes doing something I dont approve of. I wonder if shes popping pills again. Although the last time she broke in tears saying she regretted it over the phone to me and that she was sorry.
She could easily be lying to me. I believe she values me but everythimg else in her life? I dont know.
Fucking a Ember. Fucking A.
I feel like a plant without water when I dont hear from her. Near death, wilted, dried out. Maybe her last petal will fall of the rose that I grew for her, and ill move on. I fucking hate feeling like my life is on pause waiting for someone who cant even tell me good morning or goodnight.
Wake you.
Let it tell you to open your eyes.
Don't fool yourself.
don't wake up and look for that someone.
don't wake up and think of the events of yesterday.
Find the light of the sun,
Stare at it.
Tell yourself its a new day.
Tell yourself with a new day comes a new time.
a new time where you can put your pains behind you.
Where they don't stick up.
feel like a bubble under paint.
An apple under a carpet.
And fuck. You're far too horny.
I hate writing on this keyboard.
I see it.
I see it now.
I hate.
I hate myself, and all my responses.
Im afraid of how ill come out.
im afraid of how my words will leave my mouth.
Im afraid of how my motions will change your thoughts.
I can't do anything right now but tell the truth.
Im losing belief.
Belief in anything.
Id tell you id want to move to sf.
To get to know you.
I've thought about it
once I get my license,
after finishing my semester here, ill pay off my lease
And just leave.
Leave to find the west coast.
To see what the city has to offer.
To hope you'd spend time with me,
That you'd heal me, and id heal you.
But I don't think you'd like to hear that.
I know you may not feel that way anymore.
I extinguished that flame, and now
Im holding hands with a dream far from reality.
No one wants to hear anything I've to say.
No one cares about these eyes anymore.
No one cares about these lips.
No one wishes I was by their side.
No one knows how its all I thrive.
I don't care about games,
Not while my heart is empty.
I don't care about friends,
Not while I have no one to caress.
Its a fucked up thing I know,
But tell me im an idiot, be my guest.
But guess what? It can't change who I am.
And if I could I would, because I had a dream about death last night,
A dream where I was shot, in the face.
I challenged them to do it,
To shoot me.
-because I didn't think they could get away with it.
But they did.
and all I felt was bliss.
As my friends near me cried and shouted,
I lost sight and fell back as my face was splattered on the walls.
I was happy.
it was serene.
I died and went to a heaven, with no fear or remorse, just that bliss.
Want you to bend.
And flex.
And twine
To become a complex statue.
That they find beautiful.
And when you ask for a favor,
They've no hands to help.
No heart to care,
No time for you.
Just them.
Love is an equation.
No one seems to care.
Its been a while since I've tasted this feeling.
Let's just hope it doesn't cease,
from fear,
Lack of expression,
To be a ground underneath.
At an unborn title.
Is what I've become something I fully know?
do you remember when you knew yourself,
Do you really love Ember?
You're going to find out.
Why is it so hard for you.
Just think of the times
A pattern, without a cost.
im waiting to feel the urge to piss, as someone is about to look at my dick and watch me. I hope I don't look like a scumbag with my hat on. Id lie if I said I didn't feel tough going here. I shouldn't because its putting my entire life at risk for not being able to get what most people can. I hope this wont affect my license.. well see.
Alright, wish me luck.
Real fucking, lonely.
I've my drug test tomorrow, I might fail it and get a record for posession. My cousin may not be able to become a citizen. If do.
I don't know what to do.
Mikail stayed at some girls house tonight, I didn't realize how much better it felt when someone was just around with me. Im scared. that I wont have any friends. Because I don't know how to have friends. I don't know how to ask someone to hangout. Im scared. Im lonely.
Ember. That. Bitch.
Where does my life go now?
The pipes are red hot.
The flames were raging and now its time to cool
To what aim the machine had even its creator didn't know.
But the result leaves him with a sense of debt and apology
Where he would feel the honor of being scolded.
Suture kit,
IV lines,
Im going to be in a million pieces.
I hope someone knows that I can't handle this fate.
Becareful, im clawing for a heart to feed on its sincerity.
To help fill this hole in my chest.
Im sure of it, im sure
That love isn't pure
Cause my heart wont ever rest
Cause love and me,
Well we never got along
Since a girl named X
Who treated me like a pet
A dog in a cage
So while I try and make efforts pure
I see monsters and demons
Get the girls who are pretty
Who are smart and sexy
With wit and intelligence
to tell me im just too skinny.
That their man is amazing,
Yelling at them,
Making them feel like shit,
Putting sports and hobbies
on the top of their list.
All the while I stand on the lines
Watching fate desecrate love like murder
Rubbing its burning ashes on my heart
Making even my eye lids tough as leather.
So ill say FUCK YOU.
With a power I feel coming from my feet.
Toes to hair, I can feel the heat
in my fists and my scowl,
while I stare at your lack of
I hope you fucking die, while
You lay alone in a cold ditch
Having punk kids piss on your grave
Like when I finally scratch an itch.
I haven't smoked weed in 5 days, I haven't masturbated in 3. I feel different and happier. But right now im a little low.
I always feel like shit when a pretty girl comes around. I feel defeated when they leave. I feel like a failure knowing I wasn't so amazing that they just threw themselves at me. I don't know why the fuck my brain works like that. I don't.
I miss Ember. We haven't been able to hold a real conversation in over 2 weeks now. It makes me scared that I might not know her anymore when she comes up to me.
Im afraid.
I've been going to the gym and even without it I feel that I've a new happiness. I really noticed how happy id been when I successfully welded my exhaust back together a few days ago. I also realized that I hadn't made any true eye contact with anyone in a while. I felt scared looking t mikail in the eyes. It felt good and reassuring.
Ember I love you. I fucking hate myself. Hazlet is going to come over tomorrow.. or so we planned. I really feel hesitant.. we agreed to be friends with benefits, but I feel horrible for doing that to Ember. I told her I wanted to be single, but it seems now at this point it doesn't matter, because the only girl I want is her. Ember really has become my everything. In the past 4 days, she's only answered one of my questions and texted me 4 sentences.
Ive been high-free for a little over 8 hours, and I have a strange sense of self. I keep getting urges to smoke and I get frustrated when I can't. Mikail is right, I shouldn't have to smoke so much when I've so much riding on what I have right now.
I need someone with me right now.
I wrote an email to Tuesday, saying I changed the password to netflix. I feel terrible that I had to. I realized my debit card changed in the time and ceased payments since august 15th. I wonder if she's still alive. I hope she's happy.
We agreed to leave each other a long time ago, she said shed contact me on her birthday. I wonder if she still loves me. I wonder if she really wasn't as crazy as she said. Id feel so happy to hear from her again, but im scared by that time Ember would be my life. Maybe these thoughts would cease if Ember was with me. I can't really put to thought what that value that leaves is in these words. That I want to speak with Tuesday only until I find out Ember is worth it.
Am I fucked up for needing love?
Ember is worth it...
I woke up on my old couch in my parents house. It was covered with a soft material to keep dog dander off but really harbored tons of dog germs. I felt my contacts dried up against the iris of my eye. Some cartoon show was on the big 46 inch tv and the smell of stale banana bread welcomed my senses. My mother left it out for me to eat before she left, I guess I passed out. It was 430 in the morning. I felt a sense of failure in my heart knowing I didn't answer mikail or my cousin. I felt id let them down as I usually do. I told myself I don't care, all I need is... Ember... my mind felt like the floor just fell out from under me. A highrise white collar cubicle maze had just sunken in the ground and I've a new intense relationship with velocity. I thought of her and my mind had already well associated the thought of her with checking my phone. I desperately searched for it as this feeling of depression sat on my skin like a splash of acid. I tossed and turned unsheveling myself and the couch. I gave up and tried to diffuse the on comming panic attack telling myself to breathe and give up and move on. I calmed down. I found my phone, everything I hurt for is made up now. All my pain can cease to exist! Ember must have messaged me. She must have left me messages. *check* No one. No Ember. No Mikail. At that point I felt terrible. I tried to make my pain go away by eating some bread.
Its 12:50 and my eyes are slow. I can't look around the room without having the feeling of molasses. I just want to hold my head low, and throw the weight of my flesh onto a surface. I just want to kiel over and breathe whilst I sleep.
I had to spend today worrying. Like every day. Worrying about Ember. I havent heard from her In over a day. She says she loves me but I question the emotion behind those words. Shed be here right now if she really did.
Im trying to focus on not focusing. On ember. On things that make me feel shitty. Feeling how shitty Ember leaves me, makes me think back to Tuesday. She didn't treat me well always fighting the way we did, but I still really cared about her. I feel fucked up thinking about her like a dream but im starting to think its just human nature. That love isn't something that's metaphysical. It exists where it can pretaining to conditions. Love is defined. Love is measured. Love is cold, calculated, and what some live for.
She was happy, content. She got into a relationship with her guy friend and he actually treats her nice. Her eyes began to open wider at a new experience. She had new friends and barely had time for poetry. I found her history of her blogs and back tracked through profiles to find her. I scanned through a list of names, noting one that sounded like her. I saw her, it was a picture of her laughing. She looked so happy. I couldn't ruin that by going back in her life. I was heart broken knowing she hadn't even a thought of me at this point in her life. But I was happy. Because I knew she was happy. I hoped that she would message me one day, but I felt guilty, knowing id want her to love me.
Who I am I feel is defined as a clinically depressed suicidal wire line walker. But I just can't kill myself. I feel trapped in a pot heating up from a fire. I can't escape this pain and I've got to bear it. I cant find any release from this point in my life but through drugs.
Who knew human personality can get this complicated and deep.
I smoked ll day since I've been home. My bck aches incessantly nd I actually feel happy. No worries no cares, I can't wait to smoke before work tomorrow. I hope im still up to par.
Oh Im officially a Murse now.
A coworker was reading the obituaries during our lunch break. He was of my age and I heard him crack dark humor before. I thought he could agree with my opinnion on death.
Let me ask you something, do you really dare if one of our patients die?
Blh balh blah
Im at the doctors right now for my stomach. It got real fucked up somehow. its excruciating to eat anything, or at least it was until 3 days ago. Now its just slight painful under my mid back.
Ive been really retarded recently. I can't come up with proper words, I can't use logic skills. My memory has turned to shit. I can't remember half the things I do anymore. Im beginning to feel like that movie momento.
I used to have this feeling when I smoked weed that I've had to much. Im at the point now where I can barely satisfy my needs. I still get to the point where I've had to much if my depression hits me real hard.
Ember just bought texting service and messaged me in the morning telling me she loves me and fixed her tattoo on her arm that used to say Ray* for her physically abusive ex boyfriend. Now it says Pray, for her religious beliefs. I told her apprehensively again that I was atheist. But a little light in a dark house will be a good thing.
I still love Ember even though its been 3 months since I've seen her. She's still living with that crazy guy in his house who's obsessed with her. The tale of the slum girl who had no love. She had to live with him so she wasn't homeless. She was for 3 days prior to moving In. She was jumped a block from where she stays one night when the crazy guy called the cops on her. Ember called me up bawling, and I told her id drive down to Florida to pick her up back home to me.
My new bestfriend Mikail, is planning to move in with me, he's going to be crashing on the couch paying a measely amount of money to help me make the bills. I work 7 days a week and struggle to find time to sleep. Im planning on sleeping early from now on.
I don't want to bother speaking to anyone far to often. The only words I want to read are from Ember. The only voice I want to hear need to be from Ember. I love her. Oh, fuck, im 23.
It burns when I piss.
It may be a disease.
It may be a reckoning.
It may be karma.
For my lack of self respect
For the lengths I go for another despite my well-being
Ember, you're a burning wildfire in my mind.
Tuesday, I sometimes wish every girl I meet until december is just a short shot of being the love of my life until you.
Hazlet, Im sorry I don't know what I want. I just want to hold someones hand and know im able to fulfill someones dreams. Also, the sex is great.
Im getting sick of this disaster.
of life laughing at me with nothing but
Cheer and Saunter.
God. Fuck.
Im getting emotional now.
I think im going to cry.
Where's my Ember?
Show me her,
Because I want to die.
A time when im sick and unhealthy.
Ill grab anyone who breathes.
Like im stuck in a pit,
Trying not to die,
but possibly dragging others down,
To die with me.
With no regard of their well-being,
I assume I subconsciously
Take form as a monster
To survive without caring how
Even if its at the plight of another.
This sick and dark part of me,
Wants to fuck every girl
That comes in the latter.
To make them cum
And shake
To breathe
And quake
While my head grows larger.
I want to take care of my friends,
and not gloat from a horse above the heights of men.
Im afraid this love is a disaster.
That she's a liar,
A cold disregard for this heart
On fire.
That shell never show face,
For some reason that can't be
Because she can't talk
of course, because of the guy
She has to live with,
Who she "hates" and
Claws at her with his
eyes and imagination.
A need to live in dark deep stagnation,
While everything she's waiting for
Is ready and perfectly set,
she's afraid to move in
that ill fall out of love
And shell be stuck with nowhere to go
To live
to get back home
Because she's never had love, or someone
who she hasn't to look after.
I love her. I feel like shell shape the rest of my life.
Ill always love this girl, because she never did anything wrong to me, she ust wanted me to genuinely be loved. All I ever looked for. Im sorry I couldn't last Ember. You're going to be in my heart for as long as I live.
I love you baby.
Take care of yourself.
I had sex with Hazlet last night.
She came 3 or 4 times in an hour and a half.
I don't like being egotistical, but doing that to her makes me feel amazing.
Im not some sex god, I am the product of delayed ejaculation due to the side effect of escitalopram.
I couldn't stop thinking of Ember. My heart is still with her. God I haven't spoken to her in days. Fuck. I don't know why I can't stop loving this girl. Im not upset that I had sex with Hazlet, I couldn't withstand being alone. She's way to into me than I am her. Its dangerous.
I love you Ember.
Where the fuck are you?
I feel fucked up. I feel horny. I feel like fucking hazlet like she wants me too.
My dick still burns when I piss so im hesitant not to. But I need love, and my need for love surpasses all of maslows hierarchy when I've got the absence of it.
I don't think I could even. I don't fucking know why I miss this girl so much. I don't know why id die for her. Fucking fuck.
I didn't go down to florida.
21 hours of my time saved.
Ember told me not to come down, that i shouldn't. She had her birthcertificate stolen by someone she doesn't know who. The guy who she lives with no doubt. The last thing she told me was that she needed her money from the guy than shed come up to me. Now, 2 days later, her phone has been dead and I haven't heard from her.
My heart hurts.
I saw a girl who looked so much like Tuesday last night. My heart skipped beats for her. Her long black hair, her beautiful nose that she hated so much. I was so captivated by her I couldnt help but stare. Its best I stay out of her life despite how much I still feel for her. I put her equal to x and ember now.
Im going down Sunday night. Fuck. Let's pray that I've got no problems with the car on the way down. Im going to borrow the silicone from mike, and carry an extra quart of oil just in case for the trip.
Ember, I don't remember the taste you've left me. Im going from what little hints of memory I have. I can't tell if its worth it.. but im still going down... fuck that's a huge sign of something being disconnected in my brain, no? Ah well. Im not sad, so whatever. Hah.
She hasn't spoken to me since 9.
I constantly switch my beliefs in her.
im going to pick her up in florida Sunday night. or at least that's when im leaving.
She called me at 2 in the morning. I answered. She was bawling. She told me that the guy she was living with called the cops on her. So did his children. She said she was going to get arrested. She apologized to me for being a fuck up.
She later told me she was confronted and jumped by 3 people before she called. She can handle herself on the streets.
Her life is nothing short of a wreck.
She almost admitted herself to the hospital after having not eaten for 3 days just the day before. She said her stomach didn't feel right.
My mind is weak.
Ember, I say I love you, but Im not sure I mean those words whole heartedly. I think you may need to earn their entirety.
Im starting to get scared. That maybe, a relationship isn't enough. When I have Ember again, will I really be happy? Will she entertain me? Im getting fearful. Very fearful. If you're a woman, stay away. Ill probably break your heart and eat your soul. And you wont even care about it.
Lost its luster.
Lacks fulfillment.
I've no hunger
For words with those
That which is a woman
Im sitting here sweating.
The moisture is overwhelming my skin.
The humidity of the room is making me drown.
I feel my clothes becoming saturated from my waste.
I wipe the waterfall forming on my upper lip,
And question time.
42 minutes into my shift and im losing steam.
Ces la vie.
Things are good between me and Ember. I think I may have an STD because it burns when I piss. Its funny cause I don't give a shit. I never really did. I think it was from Ember, but ill figure out soon enough. She may come up next week and well finally be together. I just hope she's still the girl I barely remember.
Hazlet got real drunk and tried kissing me. She kept grabbing at me looking at my lips in a drunken stupor. Im upset because I hate to leave a girl like that just hanging. I would have loved to hold her and show her how amazing sex could be. I told her no and pushed her hands off of me saying I couldn't do that, you know that.
Its been sometime since I've actually seen or heard Ember. Her bright eyes, her high pitched giggle. I want to say I miss it, but the emotionless crater in me leaves some sort of an empty affection. I wish she was here sure, but.. something in me is settling for the moment I have now. Maybe its because im scared. That im scared she might not be what I wanted? Or, its coming closer to me now, maybe its because im getting tired of her not being there for me. She, for some undetiled reson, couldnt text me while her roomte ws round. The last thing she said to me was mentioning something about her putting a gun to her head and her needing to let me know that she would have done alot just to show me how much she adored me. To most people, that's a red flag to get the fuck away. To me, its something that I don't see as a problem, rather as a beginning to a new question. Why? What makes you that way? No matter what her answer, im sure I would say something like, "Hm, okay." I think if she came up there's a big possibility it would be our last relationship. But I can't believe that just yet. Not the way I know her now. I can hardly remember the moments we spent together in my mind right now. God. I feel like she wont be coming up by next weeks time. If not then,when? Who knows, maybe shell just find another way to stall. She wears a ring on her left hand for me. I find that she's nothing short of normal. Its things like that, that puts my heart in a tryst. Im happier with her than Tuesday, but it wasn't her fault she couldn't make me happy. It was just struggles within herself.
I came across a picture of her I had missed to delete some while back. She requested I remove all of the pictures from my computer then... and im somewhat glad.. I missed this one.. God.. if only we could have had each other. I felt a real connection that was thick and strong like the support beam of a house made from steel. But her paranoia and lack of trust rotted my patience away. If only she wasn't so vicious when it came to getting close. We could have had it all. I wonder if shell message me on her birthday like she promised. But something in me thinks shell have new friends, new things, and new people to put me in the back of her mind. She better be fucking doing better emotionally or id have to kick her ass. I constantly compare the conversations we had and the ones I have with ember through texting. The ones with Tuesday had such depth, but towards the end of us, she begun to lose consistency of that depth and became irratic. The only way she could speak to me seemed in a way of spite under a hidden veil. Like she pretended not to be hurt but continued to try to talk normal. We had different views anyway. She wanted to live in her own place, while I wanted her to be with me. I wish ember had her spunk and indepence.
I still remember.
About december.
Everytime I see a girl who's a latina, my heart would think of her. Her beauty and spunk. God I felt like she was a firecracker. She wouldve been witty and clever. Im sure. She would've had sex like a demon like no one else could. She would be artistic and hang on my shoulder like an emblem of love.
But those were just dreams I was thinking of.
And I still remember how she hated rhymes.
How she could be so desperate and cry.
She yelled at me and filled me with pain. I couldn't take it all like I hoped I could. I just hope one day, shell be happy and smile. Live life like she should.
rhymes blow.
Im working in the morning as per usual. Ember is so hard to believe. She sent me a picture of a note asking me to marry her. She told me she wants to hurt herself because im so sad she's not here with me. I constantly ask myself is she worth it? But something in me speaks to me words Im desprately afraid of.
You couldnt leave her if you tried you worthless piece of shit. I've seen dirt that had more self respect than you.
Having that been said. I can't tell if she disrespects me to the point of justifying breaking up. I really can't. This girl.. gah.
Im starting to realize we don't have much in common but if I remember correctly shed be into anything I was into. She loved that I was nerdy and the way I dressed. She says she's head over heels for me but I can't help but relate her personality to a cheating boyfriend on maury. Literally.
I was glancing at an episode of maury during work and it was of a boyfriend who was accused of being a prostitute and cheating on his wife. He would never answer calls or txts. He would disappear randomly in the night. He would have girls txt him "I love you, and thanks for the pictures" and when he would be around his wife, he would act like nothing happened. Ember never answers my calls and barely answers my texts. When I ask her direct questions she avoids me by disappearing than coming back hours later just saying "I love you." On her face book she has a dozen guys flirting with her on her pictures saying she's sexy beautiful and gorgeous. I don't mind it because I believe she does love me. Or so she says. God im putting a disgusting feeling in my gut thinking about her right now.
She told me even if I break up with her shell come up to see me. Im not sure how true that is anymore. Im getting tired. My eyes are heavy.
The party tonight, there's going to be slutty girls. There's going to be lots of beer. There's gonna be a fn million chances to have sex. But I can't. Why? Because I have integrity. Because I believe in loyalty. Because being committed is something the world can barely be. I am the positive strife to the negative atrocity of love in the world.
The world can only be a happy place if we do happy things.
Arguements are ugly. She's broken up with her fiance and were smoking at her house. She's in tears arguing about property and dues.
Im going to console her.
im half awake. There's old 80s synth playing from a grandpiano that would go perfect for a montage clip for karaoke. Hazlet is working the dinning room so she's running around taking orders at requests from the patients. Shes waking around with a pink glittery bow in her and im attracted to the contrast. She has. Monroe piercing she just got in with industrials in her ears. Everytime she speaks she has this strong yet respectful voice that basically sounds like, "do you want to fuck with me?" Its seductive. A girl with attitude. I hope to myself that im not just filling in Embers spot with her existence in my life. I came here just to talk with her just cause she makes me happy. Fuck I have a problem, only girls can make me happy.
I often frequent the bathroom at my work just to take time for myself. Within there I forget that im working and actually get a chance to breathe.
Ember says shell come as soon as she gets 3000 dollars from some guy she's living with. Im not quite sure why someone would give her that much money. Ember isn't anything short of sketchy.
Im afraid.
Im super afraid.
Hazlet, a girl from the kitchen is breaking up with her fiance. I flirted with her a while back but she wasn't interested. Now, she's obsessed. She cried when I told her I have a girlfriend. We hung out a couple times since and I hated it especially the last time - I want to be with her in a relationship, but I don't and can't because im with Ember. I know she can offer me the passion i desire, while Ember always has me on the edge of crazy. Hazlet is deep and fun to talk to. Ember barely has the time of day to have a conversation with me. I know things will be different when Ember gets here. But fuck. If she's a lying succubus as many declare, Ill have to lose her and Hazlet and go in a rampant depression.
Well fuck. Here I am on a Sunday night staying up late on the 4thweek of working 7 days a week. The event is actually pretty common place. Looking into space contemplating life and its choices, desperately searching for solace.
Solace. Fuck I forgot what it felt like to have my feet on the ground. I forgot what it felt like to exist in a world where everyother word spoken is a trigger for terror. I was just starting to get happy by my self, but than Ember. I feel like life is strangling me by throat. Its causing me to kick the floor for grip. Make me feel like it could be the end. This fucking Ember.
I feel like I yell at her so much but my internal emotions say completely otherwise. But I fucking love her so much. To the point where my life depends on being with her. If im not, I couldn't even imagine what id do. People reading this would be thinking, that personality is horrible to have, he must not know it. Well I fucking know it. I know it exists eats and breathes. I cannot exist without love.
I guess that means im becoming a rather particular person. One that may be found crazy. I felt like, I read a psychiatric disorder described me... diassociative personality? Hm.
Anyway. Ember.
She's in florida...
With another guy...
Who she says isn't fucking.
-she told me he tried to get with her yesterday but yelled at him and had her big black friend yell at him too.
Going to a school in florida...
-that she's planning to leave after she gets 3k... from someone? In a weeks time.
Doesn't have a license
May have a drug problem
Barely answers my texts..
Constantly tells me she loves me
Those are just bad things..
Ember messaged me back after she disappeared. It makes sense that once everything has burnt up that it'd leave small coals glistening red hot. She told me she loves me.
God I'm so fucking weak. This girl, she's too fucking much for me. I think it wouldn't work out between us but every time she tells me she loves me or calls out to me I buckle and give in. I know I shouldn't. There's nothing that can come of us. She won't come up to new jersey, and I won't go down to florida. All of her friends I'm sure are party goers. I'm sure they love clubs. I'm sure they spend every night drunk. I'm a nerd. Id rather spend my time with just me and my lover. I don't need clubs. I don't need drinks. I don't need to get fucked up. I don't need to run out to the fancy city every Friday night. I don't need the anxiety of people. I don't need any of that.
She's dumb, I believe she's in love with me. From all that I saw, she's real. Just real dumb.
Let's find out if I'm a fool forever doomed for rejection. Some people are afraid of rejection just once, I on the other hand, have been through it over 30 times.
I'm so in love with this girl, but I can't help but feel paranoid. I feel that it still lives within me even though I've found love again. She tells me I shouldn't be, but our antagonist makes me forget all that is good.
This Ember, she shines so bright.
Sovereign found me attractive but doesn't like my need for belonging. I was an overwhelming mess of a human being. She's done.
Vacarious didn't even bother to answer when I asked her to hangout. We passed each other in the hallway twice and she poured out friendly flirty conversation. I guess she's just one of those girls.
2 down, who else wants to go?
From the beginning:
Ashley, britanny, grace, eva, tori, rani, mary, diana, Ashley, patricia, Meghan, neff, casey, austin, kayla, katie, taylor, taylor, vacera, cady
Now I'm sitting here in Taco bell, talking to a cute girl behind the counter, I bet I won't get her number though.
She's exceptionally sexy. She just moved up to jersey not to long ago from Florida. She was with this ex of hers who I guess convinced her to come up. She smiles and laughs a lot when we speak. She's very open, and its easy to squeeze my heart under her shoes.
I only begun this post a short time after I woke up this morning. I saw it just now, "Draft." I feel like this post has been a draft far longer.
I wondered how everything looks serious.
The period on the end of a sentence is like a stage 5 diagnosis of parkinsons.
Flat affect, lack of expression.
I felt like murdering myself when talking to a friend and I choose not to say "lol" or "haha"
I love to just fn park in my driveway, and sleep. I don't want to leave because I can't. It just... feels so good.. to just stop and seclude myself.
Vicarious has entered my life.
Tuesday, I'm still thinking of you
Becareful, I'm feeling ravenous today.
I'm afraid if you come
I won't be grateful
That ill find gaps of time
Between my responses.
But so you know, its because
I'm put off from the arguments
And your false delusions of betrayal
Because saying I love you to a snarling pittbull
Quickly loses its taste
My little cousins, he's 2.
There's tons of people here.
They don't look familiar and they make me worried.
Am I paranoid?
Do I have a problem?
I see everyone as a potential chance to fuck up,
To make someone else think less of me,
To make my life worse.
I can't help but think of the worst-
That's what they call me.
Id rather stay right where I am than stick a hand out.
I imagine the feeling like sleeping with your limb off your bed,
Knowing its out
In the open
Ready to be finally separated from the rest of my body
God, this would be a time where i'd scratch the walls of insanity right when I had Tuesday to rely on. But now I don't.
I think I'm going to leave, there's tons of people here, and 3 have noticed my tendency to avoid people.
One spoke and said "dinning alone tonight?"
I smiled and spoke quite honorably in an upbeat pace,
"Yeah I guess so!"
I laughed pretending like I didn't notice.
Sometimes acting well is a horrible thing.
Wake in the morning
Without checking to care
I know how I feel
And how it should look
So I never dare.
To see the eyes of mutant
Without a heart
Who stands undead
Without a soul
or warmth
I stare.
I find I'm still human
And that I still breathe
That I'm worth talking to
But I know id be brief
I don't want to lose this moment
Where I see me
Without the sadness
Or that gasping despair
Within the endless depths of my eyes
That tells me I don't care.
Are short,
Because he spends most of his time
Lost in his mind
Thinking of the moments where
He could not speak
When he tried to make others
Laugh and be happy, to be
Ignored, with respectful stares
Shadowed by
A lack of gratification