Wednesday, September 26, 2012

23 hours and a heart will be broken

Im sure of it, im sure
That love isn't pure
Cause my heart wont ever rest
Cause love and me,
Well we never got along
Since a girl named X
Who treated me like a pet
A dog in a cage

So while I try and make efforts pure
I see monsters and demons
Get the girls who are pretty
Who are smart and sexy
With wit and intelligence
to tell me im just too skinny.

That their man is amazing,
Yelling at them,
Making them feel like shit,
Putting sports and hobbies
on the top of their list.
All the while I stand on the lines
Watching fate desecrate love like murder
Rubbing its burning ashes on my heart
Making even my eye lids tough as leather.

So ill say FUCK YOU.
With a power I feel coming from my feet.
Toes to hair, I can feel the heat
in my fists and my scowl,
while I stare at your lack of
I hope you fucking die, while
You lay alone in a cold ditch
Having punk kids piss on your grave
Like when I finally scratch an itch.

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