Monday, July 25, 2011

I can't let go
Let go of what?
What's everything
I mean, i can't just.. let things.. pass... i can't forgive myself.
Forgive yourself for?
Not taking action. Every moment i spend not taking steps to where i want to be, i hate myself.
And where do you want to be.
i don't know
how come you don't know?
i can't just process the thought.
what does that mean?
I just.. don't.. know.. where i want to be...
So how could you be angry at yourself for not taking steps that were never there to begin with?
Because, what i want. It comes in glimpses.
could you describe that better?
I feel like, i'm in the night, floating in the ocean, and nearly drowning. Most the time i'm under the water. and i see the moon's translucent shape in the sky, distorted from the water. The moon is what i want. Each stroke to keep my head up, is the steps i take to get closer. At times, i get my head above the water, and i see the moon. perfectly. I see exactly what i want. But when.. i don't take the steps, i go under, i sink, deep into the darkness of the ocean. where the light of the moon becomes so obscured that i can't make out it's shape anymore.
Blank just blanked
Whats' running through your head?
Blank. Blank what i'm blanking to blank. Blanks blank scares me.
Hold tight.
   Maintain Cabin Pressure
       Wear your oxygen mask
            Bow your head low
                Grab your knees.

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