Yeah. I Feel you.
Push to start.
Start. You remember this feeling? I do. I really do. Hah. Let me think about what to talk about. I'm fregging hungry. One. Tuesday is really hard to talk to right now. Two. I find it hard to bring up anything with her right now. Everything I feel is a dispute or something of un-interest. Then i feel like it strikes up emotions in her that she doesn't acknowledge. I think that's just my inability to believe her. I wonder if she is telling the truth. I don't think she is half the time. That or she's just not acknowledging the reactions she feels. Maybe because she doesn't want to bring it up because than i'd be winning or something? I kind of doubt that. Hm. It really could be me though ya know- If i have this new paranoia that really is paranoia. It's just hard to believe her sometimes. It really is. Especially with her lack of explanations. She decides not to explain any of her actions to me and when she ever so rarely does i don't believe them. It's like i'm not making ground or going anywhere. A conversation is like a walk. You take one step at a time, one topic at a time. I feel like i'm not taking any steps. I'm just standing here. I could believe her and the things she says to me, but i don't want to be caught believing in a lie. Is that pride? me not wanting to be wrong? I mean it does indicate a lesser intelligence to be fooled, but if she can pull it off, why can she? I'd imagine from a lot of strong emotions that arose from hurtful situations.
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