Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hungover, work in 10 minutes.

Fuck. my head is still spinning. What happened last night? A fucking lot. Beast pussed out, dwarf was drunken fucking mess, Fire came down and didn't pay for any drinks, and Farmerboy hung around. I f'n winged 2 girls, brought them to ford to talk. Beast and Farmerboy come over and steal them from Fire. Dwarf is fucking retarded and was retarded when i originally brought them over to fire.  He kept trying to hang on them. I carried him up for a solid 20 minutes. He started to threaten to kill me and Fire. He couldn't still for the life of him. We called his brother's gf to pick him up. she took forever. He broke a couple tress, lost his glasses, i had to put him in a choke hold, i fell with him to the pavement. Fuck that was frustrating. I go back in, found Beast stealing the show, amoging his own friend. Kind of bull shit thing for him to do. The asian girl Fire was trying to get with had a boyfriend, but Beast still thought he could do something. Farmerboy couldn't do much, just staying in his comfort zone. I sat awhile at the other end of the bar throwing looks at the two of them. After a while they went back out. I stood for a few minutes listening to the band play. I went outside. Beast loses the two girls, pretending like he knew what he was doing. I was like "What are you doing man? What happened?" Beast immediately got defensive and questioned if i went up to the two girls at this table. I said "No way man! they're to old anyway." We see them jump out and in for a cigarette. Beast and Farmerboy shadow the two girls I originally winged. We walk in together. They're in their own world. I tell Beast, "Fuck this shit man come with me." i grabbed him by the shoulder and we walk over to the girls we eyed up at the table. Fuck the one looked old. Completely awkward conversation. Beast took the blonde, I got the brunette. We were like fucking clockwork. Green berets Specially designed to defuse a situation. I can't remember much of the conversation, but a guy in the band was her boyfriend. I insuated she was old. I fell a little upset doing so, but it's whatever. Both of them had boyfriends, we found out after 20 minutes of conversation. The burnette was going for her NP license. The Blonde was something I horribly fail to remember. The brunette asked "to go to the bathroom", aka, can I talk to my boyfriend. It was whatever. There's alittle burn but it aint bad. Me and Beast pull out, after Beast gave his number to the blonde. She was 20, drinking. We got back out side. I don't remember much but, I say, "Hey 5'2, are you single?" Her asian friend says "Damn that's straight forward. That's hot." I smile, without breaking a sweat. I've got to work. Finish later.

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