Monday, January 24, 2011

What Turned Liquid into Solid?

Way back when in high school, after my rebirth as a punk (the mohawk kind), I was solid. I was an immovable force to be reckoned with. I was confident and loved doing what ever I did. I think I'm getting there again :].

But it's weird what got me there. It was Hate. It was Anger. And I'm finding a hate and anger for a lot of things. And I'm liking it.

I hate how stupid and superficial people are.
I hate how people create fucking infinitely high walls.
I hate how arrogant people can make themselves to be because of information they think is concrete.
   NOTHING IS CONCRETE. It is near impossible to believe anything in absolute. Yet every motherfucker under the sun says there a billion things that are. Heres a test.

Is there really other planets other than earth? Yes? well how the hell do you know. Most of us don't own high-powered telescopes to look out into space. You base your knowledge of the planets from others. Others being people who tell you that you can trust because they're better than us intellectually. So we cast beliefs in the words of others.

A bit of truth: Everything out of the perception of our 5 senses is in great possibility of not being "concrete".

When you watch movies they always give some general and underlying motif, where anger makes you have a cloudy mind, that it makes you have no control over your actions; not me. When i get overwhelmed with anger, I get focused, I become keen and sharp minded. I focus on what ever the hell got me so angry in the first place and do everything in my power to stop what that was. I close out everything in my mind except my one objective. I usually accomplish what goal I have set, and if I fail I let the anger subside. It's pointless to keep it if there's no support behind it.

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