Sunday, January 16, 2011

Matt and Kim


I don't care who they are or how they act in real life or when they're not on camera.

They show something that nearly brings me to tears. I want what they have. To have a career that you deeply love, where every-waking moment your doing something you love, with the one you love. Everyday to be who you are with the one that lets you be. I can't take watching them, I hate listening to them. It's too overwhelming. To always be pushing one another to see who could make the other laugh harder. To find how when either of us fall down we'll catch one another, or we'll go down together. To be able to fully be myself, while she is fully herself. To find that we fit perfectly into our lives like a long sought jigsaw piece. She will fill the gap in my life, and i will fit the missing piece in hers. To peel away each others fears, accept regrets, and give courage to one another for all obstacles to come.

God damn I find Kim so attractive. It's funny because I'm starting to realize more and more, I really care less and less about physical looks. Personality can hold me tied strong to a girl if she just let's her self be. I just want a girl who can be herself despite what the fucking world says she should be. To stare back social pressure in the eyes and be unfazed through prominent action.

Some may say I have pipe dreams. I only wish for her to give back what I give her, to push me to better myself as I will her, to love me as much as I deeply and forevermore love her.

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