I'll finish writing about Africa's conversation after this post. Let's hope i stay on track.
I want to make a manifesto to attaining attractive approaches.
Foundations Of happiness:
- Be yourself. Don't give a fuck about anyone else.
Here's what most of us were missing: Don't give a fuck about anyone else because everyone will love and hate you for who you are--Obviously it's easy to say and to repeat and I know it's somewhat cliche, and that it's very doubtful. But guess what? Theres only one way to find out if it's right or wrong. After having tested it myself. I find it to be just what I was looking for. Don't be concerned with how to defend yourself when accused to be weird. In a world of a million minds, there are more who love you than hate you. If you want to defend yourself, just say: Wow your a dick, I like it and if you don't i don't really give a shit.
Don't let words take hold of you. It may be hard if you don't have that many friends or people to lean on, but never stop being yourself. It's the only way to find love - from yourself and others.
- Destroy your fears.
I'm not sure if there will always be fear. But obviously there's only one way to conquer it. Facing it and understanding what it is. If it's at risk to bring you to depression, or just to risky for what ever reason: level the playing field. This is not an easy task, and it is absolutely a tedious process. So for example: I'm completely afraid to talk to beautiful women. (Being who you are, and having people accept you is rewarding it should fuel you up here.) So how do i level the playing field?
What are the objectives?
What is the ultimate Goal?
How can we accomplish these objectives?
Goal: Have a cute girl of my choosing enamored with me (I just realized that isn't enough for me anymore, my true goal is to have someone who is really fun to be around and the attraction is a bonus if we ever start a relationship or feel like messing around.)
Objective(s): Become Rico fucking Suave. Know how to speak like a fiend and make everyone feel good. Once she feels good she will come to me.
Process: Realize that a cute girl, is just a human being. It's one thing to say a cute girl is a human being, but it is another to BELIEVE she is just a human being. A cute girl is no better than an ugly betty. They are identical. They are not unique. They are unique in tastes and kindness. But why would you ever talk to someone who wasn't kind? A great way to BELIEVE that she is just a human being is to talk to everyone and anyone. Ugly bettys, Grandpas, Grandmas, Parents, Clerks, Deli workers, police men, fire man, anyone that causes me to have anxiety.BELIEVE A CUTE GIRL NEEDS MORE TO BE THAN JUST CUTE FOR YOU TO GIVE YOUR SOUL!
Eh i feel like i'm going a bit astray. Ah well! i will finish putting up rest of Africa's conversation with me. I can barely f'n think because i have this massive cramp in my thigh that wont go away.
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