Fearless: I sleep a lot
Our protagonist: Oo? Can't blame you naps are awesome
Fearless: I dont think i meant to say that lol
The text you just sent me or the "Not anymore" last night bitch...
Our protagonist: What lol? Well maybe you need more sleep than
So what you up too?
(Pandora pulls through, QOTSA: Make it Wit Chu.)
Babysitting lol I prob do need some sleep
Ah nice how old? I'm terrified of kids could never babysit
Like 4 months. I think the kids are just scared of you
Lol no i'm terrified because for some reason kids love me idk why
Like Pivot's sister's 4 year old is always asking for me and wants to show me everything
How are you related to her again?
My cousins wife
Cus i'm babysitting Pivot's cousin's cousin lol
Haha that's crazy leave my estranged family alone
There more my family!
Still got you beat by marriage lol
Write anything awesome yesterday?
No I have you beat by living 2 doors down!
Lol alright alright i guess you got me beat I've never really even seen Pivot's first cousins
Their like her 3rd cousins or something like that
Ah so how come no awesome writing yesterday? Didn't you have creative writing
Yeah i missed it lol I slept too late
Wow you do love sleeping lol
Haha told ya
Before you sleep if you aren't already lol tell me something you love
im not going to sleep for a while why something i love?lol
Cause! and oh whys that?
Cus i slept enough today
Sounds like a disturbed circadian rhythm
I think I tried to wow her with my sub-nursing skills haha.. i know i'm pathetic- i regretted sending the text. She didn't know what something was when i spoke to her earlier that week that i thought was pretty basic so it's hard to gauge what non-medical student people know.
Probably but i'll survive.
I'm still waiting for something you love
Why? Ketchup
Yup i eat it with everything
Haha awesome
I'm asking because I feel like I barely know anything about you lol
Yeah you prob don't lol
So start talking punk
Give me a highlight reel lol
Break in conversation. 5 minutes past
Ok I just had a baby
Re-reading this it's pretty obvious she's fucking with me. But had you known her the way i did, she's utterly sarcastic and too F'n used to it. Meeting her the first time, half the information she said was full of shit, all just to mess with me.
Actually wait wait what lol?
Completely believing her every word, I debated a relationship with her. Result; she better have a damn good personality. Lol.
Huh. Lol wait can I call you instead of txting?
Huh might be a little offensive if she was telling the truth i thought.
I mean that huh in like an ah really kind of way lol
Im jus kidding theres no baby! Hahahaha
haha your fucked up
I hate you
The "haha" came out completely unwanted lol.. I prefered it said "your fucked up""I hate you lol"
I had you going for a lil sucka
So can I call you or what?
Completely sick of her sarcasm, I called immediately.
And thus the world birthed such a moment to where my mind was forced into regression from memory. It was a fucking disaster. She tried to make sarcastic jokes i couldn't pick up. I made her laugh somehow saying "you know how hard it is to pick up on someone's sarcasm for the first time meeting them?" Her voice was monotonous, emotionless. I couldn't understand it. Every word she speaks seems like a word she could have equally spent talking about how she does her laundry, fucking un-cared for. On top of the monstrous problems of misconnection, our phones were fucking horrible. My speaker sucked shit, she spoke to quietly. Her speaker sucked shit or my microphone couldn't pick up anything. It end up with me saying I don't think this is going to work, txt me text me text text text.
Couldn't make out half of anything you just said
How the fuck can you respond in such a nonchalant cavalier kind of fucking way? I'm shitting bricks over here shooting beads of sweat faster than bullets worried about how awkward that was and you just spit out a single fucking word: "Same"
With the malevolent and fucking insidious idea of how she expresses the way she cares about me through the tone of her voice; I wanted a clear cut answer of attraction from her. I sufficed with:
So you still want to try to hang out this week?
Idk i feel like this week is really busy... Sowwy
: \
I don't believe this shit. Fate knows i want to. Only the Bizzaro-Schrodinger truly knows.
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