Well I'm tired of being depressed like a fucking puss. Really am. Suicide was considered, but hey who hasn't.
To meet an end from a woman's simple kiss. I fear Africa had power far greater than Kryptonite. I don't really think I'll ever do it. Tuesday, is the last day I'll see her for a while. Recently she's been flirting with me consistently. I make advances only to stop half-shot. All my words and actions are bursting with energy to meet an invisible wall that makes them drop dead. I still wait on her every word. I looked at my jacket today in disgust after coming home pulling a black velvet curtain to the day i left behind my front door. It reminded me that i went outside, to school. Early in hopes of seeing her and spending time together. She asked what time I'd be there. All my thoughts are on how to rouse her to make her irresistible to me.
She's happy with her boyfriend now
You don't know that.
Why don't you just get over her?
Easy for you to say.
What's holding you back?
If she asked me, do you still like me? i'd respond: does water still feel wet when it rains? does it still burn when you put your hand to fire? does the moon not chase the sun despite how much he dearly needs her warmth? Even when he floats in the dead of night, you can still that she reflects on him, in his thoughts and his skin.
You have no reason of liking her.
She's all I have that makes me happy.
Because i'm alone. I have no one.
Your still getting over your ex aren't you?
Do you want her back?
Not her, someone. Someone to understand me and be there for me.
Wasn't she?
Then why wouldn't you want her? you know you can still have her.
Well, she wasn't enough for me. She could have been anyone. And I couldn't help but find myself falling for other girls. I couldn't be in the relationship and do that to her.
You realizing your talking to yourself right?
It feels that way when I speak to you, me, whoever is consoling me.
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