Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Ive a feeling that without Tuesday writitng may be my only outlet for a while. That makes me anxious so hopefully ill be able to get out of my head while I write. Speak. Splurt. Expectorate.

Im at work and ive still 5 hours ahead of myself to tackle. My back is beginning to give out and my eye lids are losing the battle to stay open.

I saw a video not too long ago, about reality.  It said that we often fear the future. That were afraid where we will end up, if we'll get that job, if we'll be homeless next year. The fact that we are fearful of the future shows that were afraid of something that hasnt happened yet and we wont know if it will or wont happen until that time. So to be afraid of something that doesnt exist, means that we are afraid of something imaginary. Something made up completely in out minds.


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