Saturday, August 27, 2011

I Didn't Deserve You Anyway.

Major Revelation: You get upset, because you can't let go of the things you don't want to be happening.

It's already tomorrow morning and I gotta wake up for work. The room is so fucking hot i'm sitting here half-naked in my boxers. I'm blasting the ac while I write. This hurricane is going to be pretty interesting. I can't wait for it. They evacuated Sunchild's town.

Fuck I'm finding a lack of motivation to write.

You need to write about something you want to.

I want to write about Tuesday.

What about Tuesday?

She's gone.

Where did she go?



I don't know where, But I know she can respond, she just chooses not to.

You know she cares about you.

I believed she did. But.. Now... I don't.. even.. know...

What happened?

I'm ashamed to say.. I can't.. remember...

What do you mean? Don't you care about her enough to remember?

I care about her dearly, trust me. My memory is just.. fucking.. shot.. It's far too spent being.. burnt out from life.

But how you remember things directly reflects importance wouldn't you think?

Yeah... But.. She does mean a lot to me.

How would you rationalize that?

Well, I feel like a broken record. She's the only one who really knows me. Who really knows how I'd act and how I'd speak. She's the only one I can truly just say anything too anymore and be alright with.

What's that I feel in you?

Shut the fuck up.

Is it.. growing heart again?

I think.. It might be.. I might.. be able.. to take loss again.. and be.. alright...

Tuesday, Don't speak to me. I'm bad for you. Don't you keep me in your life, unless you need me to be. I'll be there for you.

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