Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A fucking touch of infinity

why am i impulsive to be repulsive. the fucking feeling in my head is out the window. i'm growing weary. eyes fucking dropping like the weight of a garage broken from it's chain. the death of a bird in flight. can you feel it's wake in the water. where the waves stave away? when the night calls, theyll come crawling.but first to flaunt and gawk amongst one another. the drugs they take have killed my friends. they have stolen hearts. they have blinded eyes. the fucking sweet percipitation grows a deep fucking stank within my skull where my thoughts are brewing. i write without purpose. without lines. without direciton. i'm just fucking blind as a fuck the drugs in which i do not partake. to fucking fall in line i have miss stepped. the steep step where you cannot go back. because time is only one direction. i'm really on the brink arent I? the brink of being lost. the brink of having darkness in every direction. the fucking walls have fallen. oh how the mighty will never walk again. the incessant beating the incessant drum. the lack of change despite my devotion. the fucking intensity forever increases but with out climax it does not explode but do I? --with sullen eyes, that do not look for life i     .

the world won't stop spinning.

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