Friday, June 20, 2014

Only a month?

Edit: a broken mind, it seems to have ended in the late days of March...
April.. May... June.. Its been three.
Where has the time gone? Oh how deep the mind can break.

I'm docile today.

I've no pain that's worth writing about and that's good.

The only thing I could think of was Tuesday. Its hard to believe I still think of her so often. Its bad that I do. One day I'll stop. Or at least hope I will.

Its really been less then a month. My god. Time is so slow. I feel like its been ages. I don't care. Its alright. Its the way it has to be if I'm to get better.

I feel like its why I'm taking so long to move forward in my life. Just.. Recovering from everything. 3 years? It was a relationship in my eyes. It felt like one. I devoted my emotions.

I feel waves of confidence every now and again, but to when I'll actually seek another is hard for me to say. I just don't have it in me right now. I have opportunities but I choose not to take them. Its not as if I haven't dared before.

I guess I'm afraid. Truly afraid. Crippled and unwilling to stand.

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