Thursday, June 26, 2014


I just watched a movie on Netflix. I'm not quite sure what to make of it. It began really interesting, as it was a movie about an apocalypse where people had to preserve the human race. I loved watching the scenarios.

However by the end of the film I couldn't help but ask what the fuck did I just watch?

The fucking ending of the movie just seems so completely out of a blind side. The whole premise was about a teacher asking his students to find a way to save the human race using philosophy.

They first went through 2 different scenarios guided through word of mouth by the professor and basically fuck both of them up killing everyone and the human race ends up not surviving. They chose very reasonable actions by preserving important people and casting off useless people with no survival skills. Still despite the right choices they fail.

but in the third experiment one of the students the smartest one, decides to not take the most valuable people ie builders, leaders, carpenters, etc. Into the bomb shelter and take all the artistic hippie useless people. The useful and successful people at surviving in the post apocalyptic environment then get exiled to go roam on a boat. The experiment then shows to have the people in the bunker having fun and truly living their lives to an extent. Which is all great fun and all but in the end the teacher kept reinforcing how they would just die off anyway. The smartest student now no longer trying to refute the professor just goes on telling a story about how they just had a good time. They then leave the safe bunker where they've been living from the radioactive fallout and then the teacher says they would die off because they don't possess the necessary skills to survive. The smart student then says it doesn't matter because we would accept death and kill ourselves. The movie portrays this as the correct way to answer the philosophical situation. But really it doesn't matter if the goal was to survive?? It's as if the last 15 minutes of the movie has completely changed the plot to just getting one up on the teacher avoiding his question of how to survive and just pissing him off. Random as fucking hell but okay...

After the smart one explains that they would kill themselves the professor then became spiteful and says that he would kill the one who could kill everyone off by detonating a bomb to save their lives... The students then portrayed that they would prevent the professor from killing him and killed everyone all together. And that was the end of the fucking experiment...  So what the fuck was the point of that?

One student then speaks to contribute to what happened to the people who were exiled. He tells the story of how the three other men he was with died and he was alone with six other women. He then went on to say that he would find an island and continue fucking all of them  eventually getting them pregnant despite his sterility.

The teacher doesn't say anything of value and then adjourns class reminding everyone to turn in a textbook on the way out. The smart one who is a female is the last one to leave . Before leaving the room she closes the door and locks it.

She then reveals that she and the professor were in a relationship and that the whole experiment was to piss off her boyfriend . You then find out that she's going to leave for college and see the professor trying to reason her to stay. She basically says no and leaves. The next few scenes are then just of the professor contemplating A. Eating a sandwich at his desk B. Opening a shelf to a gun and killing himself and then C. Just sitting at his desk doing nothing.



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