Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Sudden Sickness

I woke up yesterday with a sore throat. The cells in my mouth were too weak to stand. My tongue sore and damaged from a pointless party trick. It comes in waves. Complete and utter illness when I wake then it alleviates, I feel fine. Then as a few hours pass, intense fatiguing will breaking sickness.

I took a shower on the floor of my tub a few moments after I woke. I was too weak to stand. I laid on my sides and even managed to somehow lie face down because the tub was too hard on my spine. It must have been over an hour. I didnt want to leave.

I got out of the shower to look at my computer screen which I see on a daily basis. The same damn screen ive been looking at almost everyday of my life. Wasting time with things that dont matter and hold no value.

I tried watching an episode of the walking dead only to passout on the couch. Sleep is the one place my emotions cant hurt me.

When I woke I went to my bed and slept again until 730pm. Talk about weakness. My hips are still sore from what have you and my legs feel like the bone has been replaced with decade old rotting wood.

Tuesday isnt here to talk to me so i feel utterly alone right now. I dont havr any frienda because I just cant connect the importance in them. I just dont have it in me anymore to be social. Life is fucking grand.

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