Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Good Morning

I layed in bed. Forever. I didn't want to leave. I didn't have to ask myself when i woke up, why wake up? because my body already knew. It just knew that it was better to sleep and stay out of the world then stay in it.

I woke up to an anonymous number texting me.

"Hey where are you?"

It was one of the trio. I missed an important meeting for the club i'm in.

I want to say it's because i'm depressed and completely out of it. But, I didn't mark it down on my calendar. I thought about it, and I think it was because I'm just to depressed to give a fuck.

My body is running on the bare minimum. It's running bare bones on the lowest possible function. It's trying to make everything simple because I can't take the stress.

I hate this stupid song but can't stop listening. "Broad Ripple is Burning"

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