Monday, November 7, 2011

Don't read this. It's just Pointless bullshit.

I can't take this.
I can't take this.
I can't take this.

I can't take this.
I can't take this.
I Cant take this.

I caN't take THIS.
I CAn'T take THIS.

speak speak speak. I can't help but not think i can't help but scratch the fucking walls for words to the feelings i feel. I can't find the words i want. I can't find anything i'm looking for. I'm blind with out a hope. I'm blind and full of doubt. I can't trust people. I can't trust liars. I can't find the ground? Oh dear fucking god where is the ground? NO ONE SHOULD READ THIS. I'm just going to close my eyes and type. I'm just going to type and type and type until i feel like i shouldn't type anymore. It should be a good way of expressing myself. I hope that I can. Let's see.  what do i want right now? I want to be happy with Tuesday. I want to be happy with tuesday I want to be hapyp with tuesday. But i don't know if i can. Why can't you> beacuse, i feel like something is a miss a rye a fucking hang nail that's ready to rip flesh to bone. I can't take it i can't take it I can't take it. I can't take this I can't take THIS I CAN'T TAKE THIS.

N o  o n e  s h o u l d  f e e l  s o r r y  f o r  m e.

The more we get pain the more work it takes. The more work it takes to unravel the spindle of pain that hides our core. The core which is beautiful and prestine. God damnit. God fucking damnit. GOD FUCKING DAMNIT.


  1. You sound. . . better than I would have guessed. . . I really do admire you in some ways.
