Monday, March 31, 2014

Guessing days ago

I can easily sat that I think about you every day. But I guess that's apparent to you. I wonder if you say things with a different emotion behind them. Spare me for I don't have the luck or fortune to see you speak the words yourself. You believe I'll always be there for you and I'm beyond happy knowing that I can be that security for you.

I wonder if you'll ever break down your walls and quell your fears of us. I wonder if your still afraid I'll hurt you. I wonder why we won't just become something. You said once it isn't love because we don't know each other for real. I assumed that to be true and it is rational. I guess its just only now I believe that its more then adoration because of this centeredness I put you in for my life. I guess you don't want that.

You're right to find happiness in yourself before something like us. I could easily make that complicated. In spite of that, I still believe I can help you find that independent happiness. And that a future with me isn't going to be a challenge or hindrance. I feel the way I come off is unfortunately strong, that it makes my intentions seem selfish. But in all honesty I just want to be by your side. To help you in every endeavor that you partake.

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