Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I can't stop thinking of how much I want to message you. But I'm not going to, because I'm not going to lose another piece of what ever is left of me.


  1. Hello AnimalBar,

    I haven't commented before, but I just wanted to let you know that I do read and I am listening. I won't say 'feel better' or 'it'll be okay'. I'll just say I'm listening.


  2. I appreciate the comment :) I'm on my phone and can't sign in. I'm not as sad as I look in real life, but I'm not sure if that's who I really am. How long have you been reading?

    1. For quite a while now, I think. Must be nearly a year. If I have commented in the past then it would have been under the name Pixie, as that was what my previous blog name was (and still is, sometimes). I think I must have stumbled your way because one of your interests was social anxiety. Don't worry - the blog gives us an opportunity to say what is going on up there regardless of what is being shown out there. I know that one very very well. My blog now is for 'out there', my other blog most certainly isn't! So I do understand, and I do empathise, much more than my blog would give away. So yes, Nic, Pixie, Pixie, Nic. It's all me. And I will still be reading and dropping by.

      Take care of you AB

      :-) P/N
