Thursday, January 29, 2015


Learning to speak without feeling ashamed.

That is my goal here.

To speak aloud my opinions and not feel overwhelmed over analyzing every detail.

Its difficult to say in the least.

I feel those emotions are almost always brought up when speaking about finding happiness.

I felt shame in the last post I wrote but tried to cover it up.

Im trying to find statements to say now as I think while I write.

I guess there's no harm in thinking aloud.

Expressing your feelings.

Err comes in trying to put the universe into perspective. By defining it with rules and guidelines.

Maybe life is uncontrollable and I don't want to believe that. I don't want to believe that because people exceed in success far greater than I do. I guess that's because I believe they see the universe as having guidelines and instructionals on what to do when said event happens.

I find I am most graceful when acting on my feet when the event occurs rather than premeditating my interactions.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Without a glance back

Who am I now?

Hah, I'm excited to see my previous posts. I've gone a long way since I last came here.

This place, it changed.

It was once a place where I wrote beautifully describing the world around me. That was brought to light by a friend and only now can I truly except it.

But where I left it?

The state of mind I was in was incredibly hard to describe.
It was shaped by eyes I wanted to avoid but couldn't stop wanting.
Even now the idea of this girl still strikes me in a lustful manner, but who she is in my mind isn't the girl that walks the earth.

I grew to learn since leaving this place that I am basic. Surprisingly, somehow, by some miraculous improbable outcome, all I needed to be happy was indeed to find love with a girl.

Happiness comes in experiencing life, not evaluating it.

I live my way of life by not placing things under a microscope. By not meticulously identifying each grain of sand to see a pattern for predicting the future. To deftly flow.

Ah all this text is innate and meaningless. I'm still learning to build emotions that leave me happy not contemplative :P